How to Become an Executive Leader and Master Your Career

When we’re young, we’re taught to follow rules, often without thinking about it. We do what everyone else does, and that’s it. But as we get older and have more experience, we start to see different perspectives and learn to make better decisions. That’s the moment when we start to become a leader. We start questioning things, we develop our critical thinking skills and we start to think for ourselves. To become a leader, we have to look at the world around us and think about how we want it to be. Leaders do not follow orders; they take charge, they lead and they make decisions. Being an executive leader is not just about running a team. It’s about taking responsibility for a team and ensuring that everyone works together as a cohesive unit. It’s about understanding the people you work with, having the confidence to make smart decisions and being self-motivated enough to overcome any challenges that stand in your way. If you’re looking to become an executive leader and master your career, keep reading to learn about the characteristics of an executive leader, the skills you need to be one, and how to implement them in your daily life.

What is an executive leader?

An executive leader is someone who takes responsibility for the team and ensures that everyone is on the same page. An executive leader doesn’t follow orders but leads, decides and makes changes. They are self-motivated, understand people, make smart decisions and work collaboratively with others.

Characteristics of an executive leader

Leaders are not born, they are made. Becoming an executive leader is a process that takes time and effort. Developing the skills of a leader will help you become one more quickly.

There are three main characteristics that define an executive leader:

1) A leading individual does not follow orders; they take charge, they lead and they make decisions.

2) They have the confidence to make smart decisions and be self-motivated enough to overcome any challenges that stand in your way.

3) Leaders know their team members well. They learn about their strengths and weaknesses, what motivates them, etc., so they can use that knowledge to create a cohesive working environment for everyone on the team.

To be an executive leader, you also need to have four skills:

1) Strong communication skills

2) Critical thinking skills

3) Knowledge of different industries or sectors

4) Ability to understand people’s motivations

Skills of an executive leader

An executive leader is someone who has experience and mastery in their field. There are certain skills that an executive leader needs to have and they can be categorized into three parts:




Each skill is important and it’s important to know how to use them at the right time. As an example, when you need your team to be excited about a new project, you would use the skill of being inspirational. But if you need your team to work on a task that requires focus, then it’s best to use the skill of being engaging. Each one of these skills is important, but they all play different roles and knowing which skill is best for each situation will help you become an effective leader. You also need confidence, which we will talk about below.

How to become an executive leader and master your career

We all start out as followers. We do what everyone else does, and that’s it. But as we get older and have more experience, we start to see different perspectives and develop our critical thinking skills. That’s the moment when we start to become a leader. To become an executive leader, you have to look at the world around us and think about how you want it to be. Leaders don’t follow orders; they take charge, they lead, and they make decisions.

To become an executive leader, you need to be self-motivated enough to overcome any challenges that come your way. You also need the confidence to make smart decisions in any situation and understand your employees – what motivates them and what drives their success.

The first step is understanding your core values so that you can build a solid foundation for your leadership skills. If you are to coach leaders within many industries, an executive coaching certification may be worthwhile to develop skills in working with key business leaders. Your core values determine how you act in any given situation, whether at work or not. We use these values all of the time – every day – with everything we do. It’s important not just for work but for life in general because everything relates back to your core values.

Values are about making tough decisions, facing challenges head on, being concerned about others before yourself, taking risks when appropriate (not reckless), acting with integrity (speaking from the heart) and doing what needs to be done without hesitation or fear of failure.


It is important to be self-aware and know what qualities and skills you need to succeed. Executives develop leadership and coaching skills over time and with hard work, and with the right guidance, you can become the executive leader you’ve always wanted to be. It’s up to you to take the initiative and start living your life as an executive leader.

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